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The Middle Eastern actress who plays Mary the Mother of Jesus is featured in the movie, Full of Grace.Full of Grace is a beautiful movie that tells the story of Our Blessed Mother’s final days on earth. Surrounded by Saint Peter and the remaining Apostles, she recounts the beauty and mystery of her experiences with her Son. During her last earthly days, she helps the early Church regain their original encounter with the Lord.

Full of Grace is one of the most unique Catholic films ever produced. It depicts a time and place never before seen on film. The film has impacted thousands of people around the United States, competed and won film festivals in Rome and Miami, and provided producers the opportunity to meet with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

What makes Full of Grace different?

Full of Grace is a new genre of film. It is intentionally paced in a manner that draws the viewer into deep spiritual reflection. It takes what we know through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and artfully tells a story with great depth and insight. It causes viewers not only to reflect on the struggles of the characters in the film, but also to ponder their own personal walk with Christ.

Contact the producers to discuss how to turn a movie screening into a full blown Parish Mission featuring lay ministers Bob Perron or Eric Groth. To book an event or for more information, contact Bob Perron at Outside da Box Ministry via e-mail at bob@outsidedabox.com or call toll-free at (866) 456-6936.

God bless your family! +JMJ+

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