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The feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary goes back to the victory of Christian forces over the Muslim Turks at the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571.Saint Wenceslaus Church in Saint Louis, Missouri is hosting a Rosary Renewal, an October Parish Mission in commemoration of the Centennial Year of the Marian Apparitions at Fatima, Portugal. The mission is free and all families are invited: Sunday, October 1 through Wednesday, October 4, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. each evening.

Contact the Parish Office

Saint Wenceslaus Church is located at 3014 Oregon Avenue in Saint Louis, Missouri 63118. The parish office phone number is (314) 865-1020, and the website is www.stwenceslaus.website. For a detailed schedule of the Rosary Renewal, please click here.

In his 2002 apostolic letter, On the Most Holy Rosary, Pope Saint John Paul II wrote of the Rosary's capacity to form Christians according to the Heart of Christ. He added the Luminous Mysteries and offered a way to pray them. This Rosary Renewal integrates his suggestions with preaching and ritual in order to dispose the people for the graces which each Mystery of the Rosary offers. Following is a brief summary for each day.

Sunday, October 1: Cause of Our Joy

The renewal begins with a candlelight procession that honors Mary and invokes her intercession. The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary are prayed according to the suggestions of Pope Saint John Paul II. After the service, people are encourage to come forward for healing prayer.

Monday, October 2: Seat of Wisdom

The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary are prayed using the Living Rosary format. With lighted candles, Jesus Christ is honored as the Light of the World, and participants will renew their baptismal promise to walk as sons and daughters of God.

Tuesday, October 3: Mary Immaculate

The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary are prayed as part of a penitential celebration. Participants are encouraged to examine their consciences, especially regarding the seven capital sins: pride, avarice (greed), envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth. Afterwards, people will have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession).

Wednesday, October 4: Honor of Our People

The Mass of Saint Francis of Assisi is celebrated as the climax of the renewal. It is preceded by the praying of the first three Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. After Mass, people are invited to proceed to Mary's grotto where her image is crowned while all pray the final two Glorious Mysteries. The announcement of the Plenary Indulgence and dismissal immediately follow. +JMJ+

October 13, 2017: Worldwide Children's Holy Hour (invitation to children from Father Chris Alar, M.I.C.)

October 13, 2017: Worldwide Children's Holy Hour (message to parents and teachers from Father Chris)

October 13, 2017: Candle Light Procession & Consecration led by Cardinal Wuerl (Washington, DC)

October 13, 2017: Children of the Eucharist with Programming by EWTN (World Apostolate of Fatima)

Mass Cards: Request Perpetual Mass Enrollments or Mass Intentions or Gregorian Masses for Loved Ones.