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Photography can now capture the miracle of an unborn child growing in the mother's womb.If Unborn Children Could Speak, Is This What They Would Say? Bishop Donald Hying of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, gave a voice to the voiceless in a recent Twitter post. The bishop presented an unborn child’s possible words if he or she could speak. Here is his tweet:

Voice of the Voiceless

Bishop Hying’s full tweet reads, "If unborn children could speak, wouldn’t they say, 'Let me be born. Let me walk, learn, dance, and sing. Let me love God, pray, and make my contribution to the world. Let me fall in love, and know truth, beauty, and goodness.' Wouldn’t they say all of these things? Wouldn’t they?"

As of Friday, September 11, 2020, the bishop’s tweet generated 1,600 likes, almost 80 comments, and nearly 450 retweets. Here is real photography of the human fetus developing in the womb of the mother. This 3-minute video is by Majid Johar.

The Reaction

This user wrote, “Bishop Hying, yes, may I offer mine? They would say, ‘Mom, let me be born, for there is a time to be born, to watch me crawl, to love me, a time to weep, a time to laugh, and a time to mourn; but this isn’t the time to mourn, but a time of hope knowing God is with us both.'" (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Another user wrote, "They would! And how has our world has been deprived – deprived of the many great works of art, music, discoveries, beauty, truth, and goodness God intended for us in the souls of lives extinguished?"

This user added, "Yes, Your Excellency, they would! Made in the Image and Likeness of God, their precious lives are sacred from the first moment of existence. Thank you for defending the sanctity of every human life!"

What are your thoughts about Bishop Hying's tweet?

Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, please pray for and protect unborn children!


Article Copyright © ChurchPOP. All Rights Reserved. Original article here.

Author Copyright © ChurchPOP Editor. All Rights Reserved.

Image: © @bishophying, Twitter / Majid Johar, YouTube / ChurchPOP

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