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Father Goyo Hidalgo is a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles who promotes the practice of praying the Rosary.The Best Weapon: Father Goyo Hidalgo reveals seven personal life stories about the power of praying the Rosary. "The Rosary has been a very central part of my life and it always will be. Following are some short stories of my life involving the Rosary."

Seven Short Stories 

(1) When I was five, I wanted to run away from home (I don't remember why). My Mom helped me pack (I don’t know why). The first thing she gave me was a Rosary. I told her I didn’t know how to pray. She then taught me and I think that after the second decade, I decided to stay. I still have that old Rosary!

(2) I learned to pray the Rosary with my Mom. She used to trick me and my friends with chocolate! But I remember most praying the Rosary with my Dad while we walked through my quiet, small town at night, even when he was tired. Fathers, pray with your kids. They will never forget!

(3) When I came back to the Church, I called my Mom. After five minutes on the phone, she asked, "Do you remember how to pray the Rosary?" I said, "I forgot." She said, "Okay, let's pray it now." We both prayed over the phone. It was the beginning of my Prodigal Son story.

(4) One day on the streets, with the Rosary in my hands behind my back, I hear someone say: "I don't pray now, but when I was young I used to pray with my father like that. Will you pray for me?" I replied, " Do you want to walk with me and pray?" We walked and prayed.

(5) After Mass, during the coronavirus quarantine, I walked around the streets praying the Rosary for neighbors and parishioners (like I used to do with my Dad when I was little). A woman smiled from her window and showed me her Rosary too. It feels amazing to be united in prayer. We are not alone. Be not afraid. Mary always walks with us.

(6) Everyday, I see this couple holding a Rosary and praying together in the church parking lot. I love praying the Rosary everyday, but some days are so crazy that my time goes fast and I almost forget. Watching them helps me stop and pray. Be a reminder for others of what prayer looks like.

(7) As I was walking, praying my Rosary in our church parking lot, a homeless guy started screaming at me. I kept on walking. On my way back home, he ran towards me and said, "I am so sorry. I didn’t see that you were praying the Rosary. Pray for me."

"Yup. The Rosary is the best weapon. I have more stories, but what are yours?"


Article Copyright © ChurchPOP. All Rights Reserved. Original article here.

Author Copyright © Father Goyo Hidalgo. All Rights Reserved.

Image Copyrights © @frgoyo, Instagram / ChurchPop. All Rights Reserved.

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