Singing Regina Caeli in the school gym. This is so beautiful! Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School in Greenville, South Carolina, recently won their first home boys’ basketball game. After the victory, the students gathered in the middle of the gym floor and sang the Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven) in thanksgiving.
True Beauty
School headmaster Tommy Curtin posted a video on the school’s Facebook page describing the event. He said that students spontaneously sang the Regina Caeli in Latin. "All I can say is, wow! What did we do to deserve these wonderful students? But the beauty will not be in the wins. True beauty abides in the hearts and souls of the students who unabashedly sang in Latin in praise of Our Lord on a Tuesday in November."
Here’s the beautiful, 1-minute video from Twitter.
Here’s the text of the post:
"I saw a beautiful thing on Tuesday. The Our Lady of the Rosary [High School] boys basketball team had just won its first home game in school history. That’s the context, not the beautiful thing. The beautiful thing is what happens next. The OLR student body joins the players at half court and begins spontaneously to sing the Regina Caeli in thanksgiving. All I can say is, wow! What did we do to deserve these wonderful students?"
"As headmaster, I have seen OLR grow from 125 to 215 students as we have added a high school and adopted traditional classical education. More growth seems inevitable. It is natural to celebrate a growing school and the wins, basketball and otherwise, that accompany it. But the beauty will not be in the wins. True beauty abides in the hearts and souls of the students who unabashedly sang in Latin in praise of Our Lord on a Tuesday in November."
"This culture of authentic, joyful Catholicism must and will be safeguarded as OLR grows in the years to come. If it is lost, no other wins will matter, and the growth will have been in vain. If it is preserved, everything is possible. May we be grateful for the good things we have and wise in the good things we desire!"
What do you think of the video? Ora pro nobis Deum (pray to God for us), alleluia!
Article Copyright © ChurchPOP. All Rights Reserved. Original article here.
Author Copyright © ChurchPOP Editor. All Rights Reserved.
Image: © Jason Koltuniak, What Color is Heaven?
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