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Saint Michael the Archangel is the prince of the heavenly host who cast Lucifer out of Heaven."It frightens demons." A former Satanist unmasks the supernatural power of the Saint Michael Prayer. I strongly encourage those afflicted by demons to attend Mass. It is difficult for them, especially for the fully possessed. When someone is possessed, there is a kind of penetration by demons into the human body.

Feeling what demons feel. 

The possessed will often feel some of what the demons feel. So their lives will, at times, be a living hell – literally. For example, when placed in contact with anything holy, the possessed will typically say they feel excruciating pain. They will say that cold Holy Water burns. When looking at a Crucifix, their eyes will feel like they are on fire.

When encountering a priest or a Catholic Church, the may feel intense hatred. I asked "David," who formerly belonged to a Satanic cult and is still possessed, to do his best to attend Sunday Mass. He valiantly tries, but has only managed to attend once every few months. He said that when he is able to attend: "I can’t say the prayers while I’m there, or respond to them like everyone else does."

David added: "It’s torture to be there, with all of the statues and pictures that surround me. All of the people and the priest praying in such a loud voice makes me angry. When they say the Saint Michael Prayer, I can hear the demons screaming. It’s so horrible and frightening and painful."

The Power of Sacramentals

I love the Church's sacramentals! They inspire and strengthen us. They also serve an important apotropaic function (power to thwart evil influences): they are abhorrent to demons and help to cast them out.

I noted especially David's comment about the Saint Michael Prayer: "It frightens demons, causes them intense pain, and they scream in agony." Therefore, use the Saint Michael Prayer during the ordinary events of your daily life:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


Article Copyright © ChurchPOP. All Rights Reserved. Original article here.

Author Copyright © Monsignor (Exorcist) Stephen Rossetti. All Rights Reserved.

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