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Not a Dead Object
I’ll never forget the day. It was around 2006 - 2007. It had been only a matter of time since I stumbled into making a general confession at the Newman Center on the University of Missouri’s campus because of Our Lady’s intercession. Still grasping and feeling my way through much bewilderment due to such a dramatic turn of events in my life, God managed to direct me to the Church that day. To be honest with you, I can’t recall why I went there or how I found out about it. I assume it was to receive the sacrament of confession again.
Justice for Nick
“Yes, We Settled With CNN”: Covington Catholic Nick Sandmann Claims Lawsuit Victory. Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann claimed a major victory after his family settled their lawsuit with CNN. The Sandmann family filed a defamation lawsuit against the news outlet last year after a video surfaced showing Sandmann at the January 2019 March for Life standing before drumming Native American Nathan Phillips.
Conversion Story
This is a really amazing story! One Reddit (social news medium) user recently shared his story about inviting a satanist to Mass. As a result, the satanist converted to Catholicism. What a miracle! The user explained that he evangelized to the satanist after meeting him in class. The satanist then asked him about the Catechism, so the Reddit user began reading it to him. The satanist then became “quite serious about it” and asked “deep questions” about “the truth of Mother Church.”
Jesus vs. Superman
Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen had so much wisdom! “What does Superman got to do with Christmas?” Ven. Sheen asks in this 1960’s taping of Life is Worth Living. In this episode (see video link at the end of this article), Fulton Sheen powerfully explains “the breakthrough of Christmas,” and how Jesus’ entry into the world as a child compares to that of DC Comics’ Superman.
Veil Removed
The powerful short film, The Veil Removed, perfectly captures the most extraordinary event in all of history: Christ’s sacrifice of Calvary. An endless, continual sacrifice that transcends time and space itself, blending the supernatural world with the natural world. When we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ’s Sacrifice of the Cross is renewed, and we become present to that very same timeless sacrifice which occurred 2,000 years ago.
Infinite Beauty
What an incredible story! Shalom World TV interviewed former Harvard Professor Roy Schoeman regarding his Catholic conversion story. The business professor revealed how a series of mystical encounters led him to Catholicism, including an intimate experience with the Blessed Virgin Mary.