Blog & News
Coronavirus and Mercy
Seal the doorposts of your home with Divine Mercy: A powerful form of protection during the coronavirus pandemic! Father Chris Alar of the Marian Fathers explains how you can protect your family using the Divine Mercy image of Jesus. The Marian Fathers invite all Catholics to "seal the doorposts" with this image for protection during the coronavirus pandemic. He also explains how the laity can bless their own image in the absence of a priest.
Coronavirus Indulgences
The Vatican’s Apostolic Penitentiary announced an opportunity for a plenary indulgence during the current coronavirus pandemic. According to the decree: "The gift of special indulgences is granted to the faithful suffering from covid-19 disease, commonly known as coronavirus, as well as to health care workers, family members, and all those who in any capacity, including through prayer, care for them.
Coronavirus: Beating It
Saint Joseph is a powerful intercessor and protector! There is a special prayer invoking the intercession of Saint Joseph, and it is called the Never-Failing Protection Prayer. Every Catholic needs this prayer for protection during the Coronavirus Crisis. We need prayer now more than ever, and the Church considers Saint Joseph as a patron saint of the sick.
NOTE: To make a memorial gift in honor of +Rev. James E. Wuerth, M.S.F., please click here. ††† Saint Corona: Are people turning to a little known Catholic saint during this coronavirus pandemic? Yes! As the world finds itself in the grip of the global Covid-19 Pandemic, many people are discovering and turning to a little known, second-century, Catholic saint named Saint Corona.
Spiritual Bouquet
NOTICE: To make a memorial gift in honor of +Rev. James E. Wuerth, M.S.F., please click here.
††† SAINT PAUL - MINNEAPOLIS, February 2020: The International World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF), its Children of the Eucharist program, Fatima Family Apostolate, and other Catholic organizations are gathering prayers — Rosaries, Divine Mercy Chaplets, morning offerings, etc. — from Catholics worldwide, including Catholic schoolchildren and the youth, for a Global Spiritual Bouquet...
Fatima Movie
Fatima Movie to open April 24 on 1,000 screens: Fatima tells the story of the Marian apparitions through the eyes of Servant of God Lúcia Santos, the eldest of the three young seers. It is about the remarkable set of appearances of the Blessed Mother to three young shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. “This movie was made to cross into the mainstream media,” producer Natasha Howes told me in an interview. “It’s beautiful, and everyone should go to see it. Expect greatness.”
Depths of Our Hearts
From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy, and the Crisis of the Catholic Church. By: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah. The Catholic Church faces a major crisis and the turmoil in priestly ministry is at the heart of it. “The priesthood is going through a dark time,” write Pope Emeritus Benedict and Cardinal Robert Sarah.
Five Graces
Growing up, my brother, sisters, and I could not cross the street in the family minivan without our mother pulling out her Rosary beads. It did not matter who we were with, how long the trip took, how much we huffed, puffed, and rolled our eyes – the beads came out and our Mama meant business. I do not recall a day when my Mom did not pray the Rosary with us at least once daily. (Yes, sometimes it was more than once).
Exorcism Prayers
These Benedictine prayers are so powerful! The Benedictine medal is an amazing sacramental. Eleventh-century Pope Leo IX was the first Pope to reportedly have worn the medal after a miraculous cure from a snake bite. Even though the Church is unsure of its exact origins, various forms of the medal have been worn ever since. The Jubilee medal, created in 1880, is the current medal worn. On the back of the medal, there are very powerful exorcism prayers.
Abortion Survivors
Faces of Choice, a pro-life organization giving abortion survivors a voice, worked with FOX over the past year to secure an ad during this year’s Super Bowl. The ad does not mention abortion, but features 14 abortion survivors. Faces of Choice founder Lyric Gillett explained that she began working with FOX’s legal team in July 2019, but they told her “spaces sold out early.”