Blog & News
Catholic Netflix
“Catholic" Netflix? New, Catholic, On-Demand, Streaming Service: VatiVision. A Catholic, on-demand, streaming service launched on Monday, June 8, according to Vatican News. The service plans to include films, television series, and documentaries about popes, saints, the Shroud of Turin, and original Vatican Media documentaries. It will be available on several streaming-capable devices, including computers, televisions, tablets, and mobile phones.
Crisis & Division
End Crisis & Division: A Powerful Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows for Peace in the United States. We need to pray for our country! Recent reports show numerous riots occurring in the United States in response to the death of George Floyd. The situation causes unrest in society, whether it be physical, visual, or emotional. Losing life is always tragic, as the Catholic Church teaches that every life is precious and deserves dignity. Let us pray the novena below for peace in our country and for the dignity and respect of all human life, from conception until natural death.
Holy Face
The Power of Christ’s Holy Face. A Little-Known Chaplet for Battling God’s Enemies: This devotion is so important and powerful! Our Lord revealed the powerful devotion of His Holy Face to French Discalced Carmelite nun Sister Mary of Saint Peter in the mid-1800s. Jesus asked that she spread the devotion in reparation for the blasphemies against God and the profanation of Sunday. Many saints honored the Holy Face of Jesus, including Saint Therese of Lisieux. Pope Leo XIII also established an Archconfraternity of the Holy Face in 1887.
Health of the Sick
Virgin Mary Allegedly Appears to Coronavirus Patients in Colombian Hospital: According to accounts from a hospital in Bogotá, Colombia, witnesses believe the Virgin Mary allegedly appeared to Covid-19 patients. The Colombian television program, Primer Impacto of Univisión, reported the alleged apparitions. The photographs show Our Lady in the hospital's chapel and corridor.
Secret to Sanctity
It is a longstanding Catholic tradition that the month of May be dedicated to honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. "For this is the month during which Christians, in their churches and their homes, offer the Virgin Mother more fervent and loving acts of homage and veneration; and it is the month in which a greater abundance of God’s merciful gifts comes down to us from our Mother’s throne." – Pope Paul VI, Mense Maio, Encyclical on Prayers During May for Preservation of Peace.
Holy Thorn Relic
The relic of the Holy Thorn kept in Italy’s Cathedral of Andria changed color, according to Bishop Luigi Mansi of the Archdiocese of Andria, Italy. The relic belongs to Jesus’ original crown of thorns. The Cathedral of Andria held the relic “since 1308, as many know, a distinguished Relic of the Passion of Christ, consisting of one of the thorns that formed the crown placed on the Savior’s head,” Bishop Mansi said.
Greatest Hug Ever
Venerable Mary of Agreda, also known as Sister Mary of Jesus, was a 17th century mystic in Spain who received supernatural revelations from Our Lady about her holy life, which she wrote and compiled into a magnificent four-volume work titled The Mystical City of God.
Coronavirus and King David
Coronavirus Pandemic. What should our be response in such a situation? As Christians, we are expected to be a light to the world and salt of the earth. In times of adversity, others should be able to look upon Christians as fountains of hope. Even while the world plunges into darkness, the never ceasing light of Jesus Christ shines on those who believe in Him. The Lord our God wants nations to travel in that light.
Coronavirus Miracle
Praise the Lord! As we announced in a 24 March 2020 article, former EWTN News president Dan Burke was admitted to the intensive care unit for Coronavirus symptoms. We requested prayers from our readers, as his condition was very serious. He also has a lifelong lung condition, making him much more susceptible to death. "I am alive because of your prayers," Burke emotionally explained with his wife, Stephanie, in a livestream Q&A podcast on Sunday night, April 5.